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Morning sickness, a missed period, and fatigue. If you are experiencing these symptoms, then congratulations! You might be pregnant. While the most surefire way to be sure is through a pregnancy test, here are some early signs of pregnancy that might hint that you’re expecting.

Common Early Signs of Pregnancy 
Not all women are the same and may experience symptoms of pregnancy differently. Even so here are some signs or symptoms that women share which might hint towards pregnancy. 

  • Missed Period
    A missed period is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy during your child bearing years. If you have a regular monthly menstrual cycle and you have missed your expected date by a week or two, then this could be a sign that you are pregnant. Take note however, that a missed period will not always guarantee pregnancy especially if your period does not come regularly. Stress, illness, or strenuous activity can also cause a delay in your cycle.   
  • Tender or Swollen Breasts
    Women can notice tender or swollen breasts as early as the first or second week after conception. Hormonal changes can cause your breasts to become sensitive and sore, with some women even reporting a tingly sensation. Your breasts can also feel fuller or heavier during this time. As your body adjusts to pregnancy, this discomfort would likely decrease. As with a missed period, it’s important to note that tender or swollen breasts do not guarantee pregnancy. 
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
    More commonly known as morning sickness, nausea or vomiting can happen at any time. Morning sickness commonly begins from 2 to 8 weeks after conception. Some women may not experience morning sickness at all during pregnancy. Nauseous feeling may be triggered by a previously tolerable smell that you may now find repulsive - an example being the smell of fried food. It may also be a sudden dislike of previously accustomed food or drink such as coffee or juice. 
  • Increased or more frequent urination
    If you are pregnant, you might find yourself needing to go to the bathroom more often which is not accompanied by any pain when urinating 
  • Fatigue
    A hormone called progesterone spikes during pregnancy which causes you to feel more tired and sleepy than usual. 
  • Less Common Early Signs of Pregnancy
    As not all women experience the same symptoms, it’s important to be familiar with other early signs of pregnancy. Here are the less common early signs of pregnancy. 
  • Light Bleeding or Spotting
    Also referred to as implantation bleeding, it might be a sign that your embryo has attached in the lining of your uterus. Implantation will take place days after conception. Implantation bleeding can look like small drops of blood or a brownish discharge. Implantation bleeding can start during the time of your regular period which might cause you to feel like it’s a light period. 
  • Moodiness or Mood Swings
    Pregnancy can cause you to produce more hormones than usual which may cause frequent and unusual mood swings. This may cause you to feel more emotional or weepy during this period. These mood swings can begin as early as a week into conception. 
  • Bloating
    Similar to the start of your menstrual period, hormonal changes can cause you to bloat during pregnancy. 
  • Darkening of the Areolas
    It is also common for the area surrounding the nipples to darken as pregnancy starts. 
  • Cramping
    Mild uterine cramping is also an early sign of pregnancy. This can sometimes mislead women as they might think that this signifies that their period is about to start. 
  • Constipation
    Hormonal changes also cause the digestive system to slow down. This can cause you to experience constipation as your pregnancy starts. 
  • Food Aversions
    Hormonal changes might cause your sense of taste or smell to be more sensitive to certain foods and tastes. This might make you dislike food that you previously liked and vice versa. Your hormones might also cause you to crave for certain foods at different times during your pregnancy.  
  • Nasal Congestion
    An increase in your hormone and blood production can also cause mucous membranes found in your nose to swell, dry out, and bleed easily during pregnancy. This can also lead you to have a stuffy nose.  
  • Aches and Pains
    Your hormones can also lead you to experience aches and pains in muscles and lower back similar to when you have your period. 
  • Increased Thirst or Hunger
    You might also experience an increase in your thirst and hunger as pregnancy starts. 
  • Strange Taste in Mouth
    Some women report a metallic taste in their mouth during the start of their pregnancy. 
  • Increased Vaginal Discharge (without soreness or irritation)
    You might also observe an increase in your vaginal discharge if you are pregnant. Often it is white with no particular smell.
    It is important to consult with your doctor or health provider if you think you are pregnant.

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1 Symptoms of Pregnancy: What Happens First ( 2019 ) retrieved September 9, 2020 from
2 Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy ( 2020 ) retrieved September 9, 2020 from
3 Early Signs of Pregnancy ( 2018 ) retrieved September 9, 2020 from
4 Early Signs of Pregnancy ( 2020 ) retrieved September 9, 2020 from
5 What are Some Common Signs of Pregnancy ( 2017 ) retrieved September 9, 2020 from
6 Pregnancy: Am I Pregnant ( 2020 ) retrieved September 9, 2020 from